
Wednesday 18 September 2013

Just look what giving up drink for a month can do to your face!

Many modern women enjoy a drink with an evening meal or have a glass of wine at home to unwind after a busy day, with large numbers of women exceeding the Government’s daily drinking guidelines of two to three units a day.

But would many cut down if they knew that, as well as affecting their health, alcohol could also damage their looks, making them look years older than their age?

Dailymail challenged Laura, a 40-year-old mother-of-two, to give up her 15 units of alcohol a week And she didn't just notice the change in the mirror...


At week one Laura clearly has skin which is red and flushed

Laura says: ‘Urgh, this picture looks horrific. I look awful. My skin is red and flushed, all the way down my decolletage. My forehead and nose are shiny and there are rough, dry patches across my cheeks.

‘More worryingly, I don’t remember thinking my skin actually looked this bad.


By week two Laura says she was sleeping for longer in the mornings and getting up less frequently in the night

Laura says: ‘What a miracle! I’m sleeping for longer in the mornings and getting up less frequently during the night.

‘Before, I might have woken up once or twice — whether I’d had a drink or not — but now I am sleeping like a baby. It might have helped that it was also the school holidays, so the children were sleeping in as well, but I am definitely waking up feeling brighter and more alert.

‘I’ve also noticed that in the evenings I’m not snacking as much. Normally I’d crave crisps with my usual glass of wine, but sipping a glass of lime and soda means I don’t feel like junk food. The urge just isn’t there.


Laura began noticing a difference in her skin's dryness after week three

Laura says: ‘By now I’m noticing a difference in my skin’s dryness, and not just on my face.

'It sounds unpleasant, but when I used to take off leggings or trousers I often noticed dry flakes of skin left behind. Now there’s hardly anything.

‘Equally the backs of my hands are looking less dry and — unless I’m imagining it — marginally less wrinkly.

‘When my mother visited this week, she said how less blotchy I was looking — success! A friend also said my skin tone looked more even.


Laura lost 3lb and her face was slimmer by week four

Laura says: By week four I’m feeling invigorated and so much better in myself.

‘I’m getting fewer headaches and have much more energy. My lips are less dry, too — I usually get a cold sore almost every week — but since ditching the booze not a single one has appeared.

‘Better still, I’ve lost 3lb and my face definitely looks slimmer. I have to admit, it’s been far easier to abstain from alcohol than I’d feared. I said no to a few barbecues, just in case I was tempted, but I’ve enjoyed feeling healthier and brighter, especially in the mornings.


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