
Wednesday 9 October 2013

5 Reasons Why Beer Might Actually Be Good For You

Different glasses of different types of beerThe threat of beer bellies is very much a reality, but…

…beer may not be as bad as you’ve been led to believe.
Beer Benefits
Did you know that beer is actually made of just four simple ingredients: water, barley, hops and yeast?
1. While wine usually gets all the accolades for its antioxidant benefits, beer and wine actually contain similar amounts of antioxidants.
2. The protein and B-vitamin content of beer is higher than wine. However, even though beer is a good source of B vitamins, the alcohol in it mostly cancels out the benefits.
3. Beer offers anywhere from 95 to 360 calories in a 12-ounce serving, with the average bottle of beer in the 150-calorie range.
4. One to two beers a day is good for your bones. Beer contains silicon, which is linked to bone strength and health.
5. “Light” actually refers to the percent of alcohol and calories. Higher-alcohol beers have more calories, so if you’re watching your weight, a Guinness is actually about the same as a Bud.
Beer Best Practices
Once again, when it comes to drinking any type of alcohol, moderation is and will always be key. According to the CDC, to stay healthy while enjoying a drink, women should not consume more than one alcohol serving a day, and men should drink no more than two servings a day.

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